How it works

The use of EvaDAT is free of charge. However, you must be registered and logged in to have full access to the evaluation example database.

Examples 1-5 are taken from the guideline "VDI 6201 Software-based structural analysis" and examples 6-28 from the research project "Conception and development of a standardized evaluation database for software-based structural analysis according to VDI 6201 for the use of structural analysis and design software in BIM-based process chains" of the research initiative "Future Building". They may therefore deviate slightly from the specifications on this platform.

Using an existing evaluation example

  • Use the filter function with keywords based on the classification according to VDI 6201, to find an example suitable for your purpose.
  • The colour indicates the status of the example:
Colour Status Description

refers to fully developed neutral evaluation examples based on VDI 6201, which have successfully passed through the qualification process.

in editing

refers to examples that are still in the qualification process. For these, you cannot view the chapters Reference solution, Results and Assessment. Individual editors may have made their results visible.


refers to examples for which no satisfactory reference solution can be worked out at this stage. Examples fall into this category even if no result has been set or there are only two or less editors. They can be included in the editing process again at any time.


refers to examples whose problem description or reference solution has led to the fact that they are not pursued further. A clear justification for this is given in the chapter Assessment.


  • The title tells you which class the example belongs to:
    • e. g. 0001-A-example title 1: Analytical verification example
    • e. g. 0002-B-example title 2: Numerical verification example
    • e. g. 0003-C-example title 3: Experimental validation example
    • e. g. 0004-D-example title 4: Design-code-based verification example
    • e. g. 0005-E-example title 5: Holistic validation example
  • You can see, whether the example is a working group example, i.e. was created by a working group (committee, association or similar):
    • e. g. 0001-A-VDI 6201-Example title 1: created by the working group "VDI 6201 Software-based structural analysis" (short name VDI 6201)
  • In the chapter Reference solution contains either the analytical solution (class A), the experimental result (class C), the design-code-based result (class D) or the compilation of the results of the 3 editors (classes B and E and class D for solutions that go beyond the design code).
  • In the chapter Results you will find the individual results of the 3 editors working on the example with the individual software programs used in each case.
  • If you have relevant comments (both positive and negative) on an example, you can post them under "Comments". Comments always remain visible. If there are reasonable doubts about the correctness of a qualified example that cannot be refuted by the editors, the editors will be asked to revise the example
  • You may find further results of other software programs below the qualified results. However, these have not gone through the qualification process and must be evaluated by yourself!

Add a new evaluation example

0. General:

  • Here you can see a sample example with explanations according to VDI 6201 for the individual chapters.
  • Make sure that the example does not already exist.
  • The examples can be written in German, in English or in both German and English.

1. Upload a problem description and become a CREATOR of a new example:

  • Click on the menu item "Add Example".
  • Select the language in which you want to write the example.
  • Enter a concise short title.
  • Classify the example according to VDI 6201.
  • Enter the company / institution you work for. Ideally you have already entered this in your profile and only need to select it.
  • Specify a working group if the example is uploaded within a working group (committee, association or similar). You only have this option if you are a member of a working group entered in the database. Subsequently, you can also select a larger number of editors than three.
  • Click "Create".
  • Present the problem description in words and pictures.
  • You can upload a result, but you don't have to.
  • Once you have uploaded a result, you can attach the input file of the example or detailed result printouts to your section.
  • If necessary, you can save the example as a draft and edit it later. You can access it under "My Uploads". The turquoise marking indicates the draft status.
  • Once you have finished setting your content, you can publish the example.
  • After publishing the example, you can use the "Send invitation" icon to draw the attention of interested professionals to this example.

2. Become an EDITOR and upload results:

  • Register as an editor by clicking the "Become an editor" icon .
  • Select the software program you are using - it must be different from the other editors
  • You will then automatically receive read and write access for the selected example.
  • Fill out the section assigned to you with your result in compact format.
  • You can attach the input file of the example or also detailed result printouts to your section.
  • You can write the result either in German or in English. Check whether the language you have chosen is already selected in the example, otherwise add it.
  • Each example requires 3 editors.
  • For working group examples more than 3 editors are allowed. The number of editors is defined by the entry of the creator.

3. Working out an evaluation example:

  • Compare your result with those of the other two editors.
  • Discuss any discrepancies that may occur in the editing group using the comment function.
  • If necessary, revise individual sections of the example.
  • If there is no reference solution in advance (classes B, D, E): Work out a reference solution together in the editing group that summarizes the results of all editors.
  • Write an assessment of the example together. The results of your discussions should be included in the assessment.
  • Your example is in the editing process. By default, users of EvaDAT can only view the classification and the problem description in this phase. However, you have the possibility to make your result visible for registered users by activating a button.

4. Qualify an evaluation example:

  • Are the sections language, classification, problem description, reference solution, the results of all 3 editors, assessment and references prepared to your satisfaction? Then classify the example as "qualified".
  • The example is automatically qualified only after it is been classified as "qualified" by the creator and all editors. The same apply to the "suspended" and "rejected" classification.
  • The example can then no longer be edited. If you as a software producer want to provide updates, you can either realise this after qualification via the option of setting "further results" or you insert a link to your own website before qualifying the example.
  • The comments of the editing process are saved, but can no longer be viewed.
  • The entire example can now be viewed by all EvaDAT users.

Definition of terms

Evaluation examples are used to evaluate the software. This includes verification examples as well as validation examples:

  • Validation (Definition according to VDI 6201): "Proof that the software is suitable to be used for a specific task. Note: Validation requires assessment of the results for compliance with accepted technical rules of engineering practice and/or experiments."*
  • Verification (Definition according to VDI 6201): "Testing to proof that the software provides the correct result for the implemented mechanical model, i.e. that the software has been programmed correctly. Note: This also includes a comparison of analytical values."*

According to VDI 6201 the evaluation examples are divided into 5 classes:

  • Analytical verification examples: "The reference solution is presented in analytical form. Thus, the results can be verified as accurately as desired. Since an analytical solution can generally only be obtained by applying corresponding simplifications, the details of these simplifications have to be described."*
  • Numerical verification examples: "The reference solution is presented in approved approximation calculations. Thus, the results can only be verified with limited accuracy. A substantial part of the verification example is concerned with proving that the solution is correct within the scope of the applied theory. The quality of the results usually has to be proven by means of a convergence study or limit value analysis."*
  • Experimental validation examples: "The reference solution has been obtained by carefully performed experiments. Thus, the results can only be verified within the limits of measurement tolerances and systematic experimental errors. This solution can only be used to show the degree to which the measured real results can be represented by the software model. In this category it is particularly important to state all parameters of the measurements."*
  • Design-code-based verification examples: "The reference solution is presented in the form of a recognized state-of-the-art, standardized result. A verification shows the extent to which the selected software is capable of fulfilling the objectives of a standardized requirement.
    Furthermore, an additional validation can show why results deviating from the standard constitute a more appropriate solution since these are based on more accurate theoretical principles."*
  • Holistic validation examples: "With these examples no approved reference solution exists. These evaluation examples cover the overall process surrounding a practical problem; action combinations, structural stages and compliance with rules and regulations can be addressed in this category."*


*) "Reproduced with permission of the Association of German Engineers (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e. V.)"
